Como se dice English?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

HW: Rant for 10 minutes...

So i'm asked to type for 10 minutes... riiiight. Welp, I am known to talk alot so maybe this whole writing thing wouldn't be too bad. What can I say? Welp, as of right now I'm listening to "The Perculator" - a song for those of you who don't know- and it has a pretty nice beat, but it really distracting me from my writing. Oh no! Maybe it wasn't a great idea to listen to music as I'm writing. Why? Because I'm going to want to repeat what the song is saying... which goes somethng like this, " It's time for the perculator." This is great! I spent a good 2 minutes talking about a song called "The Perculator." Niiice. Anyhoo, so I was supposed to come up with a topic for an article, right? Music would be a fine choice, however, the presentation from the Rolling Stone article would make it seem as if im unoriginal. Soooo that's out the window. What can I talk about? hummm, STDs? Nah, I did that in high school. No sexual topics... a little overrated. " It time for the perculator" ahhhh! See... def. not a good idea to listen to music. You know what makes it worse? This song is 5-6 mins long! Oh no...wait... what's this I hear? John Legend? Ahhhh yes....that's nice. However, a little too mellow for my taste. " Come on and gooooo with me" -- John Legend. Hhaha this is so sad. Yeah, so all this talk of music has be thinking maybe my focus should be on music.

OOoh! I have an idea... write everything that I hear in this song.

" cuz all i could do is love you
baby when i used to love you
there was nothign I wouldn't do
i went through the fire for you
but it's getting harder to...." -- John Legend, Used to Love you

" now maybe i ahoul rob somebody, so we could be like Whitney and Bobby
it's pribably my fault , my bad, my loss
but you are above cost"-- John Legend, Used to love you

Sorry, the first time I thought I could catch up with the song and do it ... but then I lost track! So what do i do? I try to catch another part of the song... and then what... yeah, you guessed it... I lost track...again! So, now i give up. Welp, i still have about 4 minutes left. Damn, this sucks. My fingers are getting a little stiff. Ooh, it would be nice to pop them once I'm done. haha Yeah, i know...thats sick. Oh well... wow, as I look to my left I see a bag of popcorn that I would love to stick my hand into. Arrrggghh! I can't because my fingers are going at it on this thing. Ahhh how i hate this assignment. Oh well, it's easy. :-) Hahaha, true confessions of a fat girl. The food is tempting me to my right. Ew, there's another John Legend song that just came up- def. not my favorite. It would be nice to listen to some mellow music. What do you think?


I swear I haven't stopped yet. I'm surprised .... ahhh im done.


At 4:15 AM, Blogger BiblioTECHa said...

Kuddos to you for writing the whole time. Do you feel like this exercise helped you in developing ideas for 1.2?

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Neicy421 said...

sort of. I'm still pretty lost... but I'll find my way once I get the hang out it. I hope.


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