Como se dice English?

Monday, May 01, 2006

* I went back to check if my personal address was working and there seems to be something wrong with the video and I can't bring it up on my computer. Maybe you can. I typed up an address in word and my computer started to act up again and wouldn't allow me to save it onto my hard drive so here is my Personal Address copy and pasted into my blog. Just so you know, my article and group assignment should work perfectly it's just my personal address that's becoming a problem.

Ms. Morgan,

When I first walked into your class I was scared out of my mind. The email prior to your class was clear about how much the workload would be and the direction you saw this class going in. I must admit that I thought I had signed up for a regular English 12 class, so imagine how overwhelmed I was after reading that email. I knew it was going to be a challenge, but the idea of creating a podcast and short films was a new and interesting twist on English. You reeled me in.

English has never really been my favorite subject especially when you have papers upon papers to write. However, when you introduced the world of blogging to the class I was so lost. I didn’t know what to do. Were we going to write papers and post them online? What was the point in that? You opened my eyes to a new world… a computer world that could convey every thought and expression that a paper was capable of. I wasn’t sure how to approach the class, but like a kid learning how to ride a bike you supplied us the training wheels that we need to get started.

It was because . I was getting tired of posting a bunch of words on the site, and honestly I know that there are tons of people out there would just love to surf the web and read useless information- like my sit. I made the conscious decision to spruce up my site because if people are going to see this I was to at least make it aesthetically appealing. The real turning point for me was when I wrote my hangover article. It helped that I was able to write about my topic of choice and it enabled me to go on from there. I decided to add pictures that would reflect the point I was trying to make. My visual side came out and it strengthened my writing as a whole. I learned that my writing does not have to follow this standard format. There should be no fear in venturing to the unknown especially if you walk out as a different and better person because of it. I think I could apply this visual style into future work, but it just depends on the type of assignment I’m working on.

Another key thing I learned is the importance of group work. There are so many different styles of writing that it was hard to accommodate to everyone’s ideas into our work. Despite it all, we managed to get it done. However, each individual’s input it extremely critical because it has the potential to alter the outcome of the product. I strongly believe our work is a great consensus of our ideas. Our assignments reflect the hard work that was put into each piece.

If one person failed to do their part, which there were times I did, it greatly impacted the group’s dynamic. I learned that it is important for each person to put their two cents in, because if you don’t then that means someone else has to pick up your slack. And believe me no one likes to make up what someone failed to finish.

Lastly, time management was another significant thing that I learned from workin with my group. If you do not allot a decent amount of time to get the work done, then it strains the work ethic on a lot of the group members. It is important for every group member to be present and to set some time aside in their schedule to make a contribution. If not, then you feel like you are play hide and seek trying to get together and get things done.

All the skills that I learned in class have been useful in ways more than one. I think that the pod cast assignment and the movie clips will definitely help me to spruce up presentations in the future. I mean, professors can only take so much of Powerpoint before they are ready to roll over and croak. My new writing style has greatly boosted my confidence when it comes to writing and I now feel like I have something going for me in the writing world. Thanks.


Denise Rodriguez


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