Como se dice English?

Friday, March 31, 2006

I've been struggling with this site thing for quite some time... this is what I have however the pics and the background are not loading. I will get to the bottom of this!! But here is what i have so far... just a draft...just a draft!


Monday, March 27, 2006

Pro-Ana Nation

"I have made a decision: I will not stop. The pain is necessary, especially the pain of hunger. It reassures me that I am strong, can withstand anything, that I am not a slave to my body, that I do not have to give in to its whining. I have freed myself from this compulsion of eating."

The website is written by a person who has an eating disorder and who has created a website for those who are struggling with the same disease. Unlike many websites out there that deal with anorexi or bulimia this one is meant not to encourage or discourage people to stay sick. According to the creator of the website, this site is what you call " Pro- Ana" meaning, this site is for people who are anorexics, and is a site meant to "support" fellow anorexics. What's interesting is how the website is notes in the opening page states to "please leave if you are not living with anorexia or bulimia , or if you are trying to recover." It took me some time to catch on, but if this site is not meant to encourage of discourage peole to stay sick, then why would they discourage those who are trying to recover from entering the site? Just a thought.
This detailed website is set up in bulleted format. For those who know little about eating disorders, you can find definitions of anorexia and bulimia. Aside from the definition, the creator also posts her "story" and "reasons" why she thinks anorexia is a symbol of strength and not weakness. This powerful site is extremely powerful and the links on the left hand side enable you to access the subjects that are bulleted and explains it to the reader in depth.

Perhaps the most powerful image in the website is the 2nd page, once you enter the site. It's a picture of a skinny, beautiful blonde. This image reinforces the look tht these women are trying to uphold, which is "Getting skinny will make all your dreams come true. Life will be so much better."

What does all this mean? Well, just like the otherwebsite it's a website based on personal account. This is soeone who has an eating disorder and is giving other a look into her world and how she sees it. There are no sources that are attributed as a source for her facts, but she does suggest reading material that supports her way of thinking. The creator of Pro-Ana believes she IS credible source and even creates a "doctors office" section in her website to pro-long the eating disorder and even suggests foods that you can eat that have low calorie intake. She is the doctor, she is the source, but she is not a credible one by any means.

The blog created by "EXBF" is a man's desperate attempt to understand the "blatantly stupid mistakes" he has made in his relationships with women. In his "experiment" he taken giant leap into the past to recap - in chronological order- any and all events he can conjure with his ex's in hopes that others can see things from a different perspective and perhaps catch something that he may have missed. EXBF has gone as far posting the intentions of his project and laying out a detaield explanation in terms of how he is going to lay out the information and what separates each relationship.
The project is displayed in webblog format, which according to is,
an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page. Even though EX BF clearly points out that this isn't a dating diary, or your everyday diary but an "experiment", the readers are more than likely people who are members of blogger community. Those who have an understand of how to use a blog would grab the "jist" of EXBF's blog, however, for those who have no idea what a blog is it would take some time to get use to. The setup of a blog is essentially a bunch of "posts" that the user leaves on their wall, blog, that can be viewed by the public. If you like, users can read leave comments after each post leaving their take on what they have just read, and in this case assist EXBF in trying to understand what it is he is doing wrong or right for that matter. However, it can sometimes be hard to keep up with the blogs sincethey are in chronological order, but EXBF is effective in trying to get the reader caught up.
Since the user, EXBF, has been in several serious relationships he differentiates the different women according to color so the reader doesn't get lost. Other than that I have no noticed any other rhetoricl devices. Since this blog is all based on personal account there is no real authority or credible source that can be considered valuable in term of analyzing the blog.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Here it goes... CINDY...again...and again... and again!



my group touched on several points, here they go:

  • Basketball player, Cindy is "different"
  • Doesn't get invite b/c she doesn't "know how to act"
  • Dennis is clueless
  • Letting the guy win (Cindy clearly won musical chairs but claimed that they "tied")--Ego stroking, girls @ lower level than guys
  • Cindy and Dennis --Ideal married couple
  • Appearance: Males need to look like males and girls like girls
  • Cindy had to "transform" in order to receive invitation
  • Cindy is blonde hair/blue eyes? idk movie in B and W
  • Fairy represents "perfection"--glitter and hair, white clothing=purity and sinlessness
  • Fairy focuses more on Cindy than Dennis ("Well maybe he'll need my help too")
  • PERFECTION: "Arrive on time and leave on time"
  • Musical Chairs set up: boy, girl, boy, girl
  • Conformity (again)--Dennis doesnt want to plave but fairy


Sunday, March 19, 2006

2.2 Cindy goes to a party

Friday, March 10, 2006


1.failing to cite vs. copyright violation - When you fail to cite something you are not giving credit to the individua's idea, which essentially you "stole" from him/her. Copyright violation is the same idea, however, you are not attributing credit to the person who has copyrighted their work.

2. Creative Commons (CC)- an organization aimed to give the creator of the "idea" to have more freedom in terms of what they want someone to use or not use. The creator has a say in whether they want to modify that person's work or if they require having someone cite a particular part of the work. (CC website)

3. Fair Use Doctrine- is less strict and basically says they they won't hold someone liable for copyrighting every little thing. Not necessary. (Wikipedia)

4 Wiki- Wiki is a type of website that allows people to edit the collaboritive work. Hence, the name Wikipedia. (Wikipedia)

5.Social Software - software that enables people to easily communicate with each like Aim, Blogs etc. ( Tutorial)

6.Patent vs. Copyright- When a person is granted a patent (by the state) for his/her invention ( or stuff), others can't use, make, sell, import, or claim that the invention is their own. The owner of a patent, though, doesn't automatically have the right to sell or make the invention themselves--other processes are involved. DifferBlogger: Como se dice English? :: Create Posting from the patent, I copyright grants its holder full rights to everything. The owner controls how their work is reproduced, and they also have the right to sell, amend, or do whatever they want to their work. (Tutorial and Wikipedia)

7. Digitial Millenium Copyright Act of 1998- a group who monitors anyone violating copyright laws on the internet and other technological sources. (Tutorial)

8. Project Gutenburg- aim is to put all published works into their digital library for free access. (Tutoriall)

9. Licensing- giving someone permission or entity to do something. In this case, the holder makes and agreement with the 2nd party and lay down terms of how they can use the patented piece of work. (Wikipedia)
10. Orphan Work- copyrighted work where its hard to find who the owner is. ( Wikipedia)

11.Public Domain- work is not copyrighted and anyone can use it, but you must cite your source. (Wikipedia)


Rought Draft 2.2....

Cindy goes to a Party (finally)


Rought Draft 2.2....

Cindy goes to a Party (finally)

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Attention: Sorry folks! My computer has a virus so I was trying to mess with it and post my stuff up but it was impossible.No worries, I have another computer to work off of.... Anyhoo, coming atcha live.... my wonderful works...